Kalimazoo Falls


Port-Menier (Quebec)
G0G 2Y0
Phone: 418 535-0156
Toll free: 1 800 463-0863
Contact us by email
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General Informations

Opening hours :

Périodes d’activités :
Price : None
Pets allowed : No
Accomodation on site : No


Ottawa: 1031 km
Montréal: 888 km
Québec: 658 km


Info: 25 chemin des Forestiers − 418-535-0156 or 1-800-463-0863 sepaq.com/anticosti Access: drive 66 km east on the Trans-Anticosti Highway; turn right before the river onto chemin de la Chute and go another 2 km; from the parking lot, walk 250 m to the falls.