À l'emportée Coop | Artisanal bakery


164B, rue Morin,
Tadoussac (Quebec)
G0T 2A0
Phone: 418 235-4752
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Price Legend: 15-30$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Contact us!


Ottawa: 546 km
Montréal: 414 km
Québec: 186 km


This home-style bakery is pleased to offer you quality products made with regional ingredients and sold in environmentally friendly packaging. 

All our breads and pastries are made by hand using traditional recipes. The bakery also sells takeout dishes and local products. 

Stop by for a bite and enjoy your meal against the backdrop of one of the most beautiful bays in the world.

Services and commodities

¶! Catering : Breakfast
¶# Catering: Dinner
¶@ Catering: Lunch
÷ Catering: Patio