GPS : N 48.33045 W -69.79594, lac des Baies,
g0g 0g0
Phone: 418 665-6610
Toll free: 1 855 665-6610
Contact us by email
Visit our website
Number of units : 17
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :
Open as of 4 p.m.
General Informations
Maximum occupancy : 89
Number of beds : 43
Number of rooms : 28
Places to eat : European Plan
Far from the others : oui
Close to the others : oui
Alone on water source : non
Montréal: 424 km
Québec: 199 km
This outfitter is just 30 minutes from Tadoussac and is easily accessible (just 14 km / 9 mi. of forest road. The exceptionally beautiful site on the shores of Lac des Baies is surrounded by mountains. Staff provide a warm welcome and quality service.
#Establishment: 850483
Available activity
Services and commodities
2 Person(s)
1 Room, 1 Bed
6 Person(s)
2 Room, 3 Bed
4 Person(s)
1 Room, 2 Bed
4 Person(s)
1 Room, 2 Bed
8 Person(s)
2 Room, 4 Bed
10 Person(s)
2 Room, 4 Bed
5 Person(s)
2 Room, 2 Bed
6 Person(s)
2 Room, 4 Bed
4 Person(s)
2 Room, 2 Bed
4 Person(s)
1 Room, 2 Bed
4 Person(s)
2 Room, 2 Bed
2 Person(s)
1 Room, 2 Bed
8 Person(s)
2 Room, 4 Bed
8 Person(s)
2 Room, 2 Bed
4 Person(s)
1 Room, 2 Bed
10 Person(s)
4 Room, 5 Bed