Restaurant Coronet


401 rte 172 Nord ,
Sacré-Coeur (Quebec)
G0T 1Y0
Phone: 418 236-9444
Toll free: 1 800 550-3123
Contact us by email
Visit our website

Price Legend: 15-30$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :


Ottawa: 544 km
Montréal: 415 km
Québec: 190 km


Le Coronet's large dining room welcomes patrons with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. On the menu: grilled and roasted meats, seafood, sandwiches, pasta, pizza and daily specials.

Available activity

n Snowmobile trail nearby

Services and commodities

¶! Catering : Breakfast
¶# Catering: Dinner
¶@ Catering: Lunch
J Free internet access
Licensed restaurant