- Tourisme Sept-Îles
- Lac des Rapides Outdoor Centre
- Parc Aylmer-Whittom
- L'île La Grande Basque
- Sentiers de Île Grande Basque
- Centre d'interprétation de Clarke City | Interpretation centre
- Lac des Rapides Outdoor Centre
- Parc du Jardin de l'Anse
- Sentiers de la nature Trails
- Aylmer-Whittom Park
- Municipal campground of Sept-Îles
- Bureau d'information touristique de Sept-Îles
- Sept Îles Archipelago
- Parc du Vieux-Quai | Historic Pier Park
- Réseau cyclable municipal
- Parc du Vieux-Quai (Historic pier park)
- Parc Holliday
- Camping île Grande Basque
- Île du Corossol
- Plage et parc du Souvenir
- Secteur des plages (Beach area)
- Rivière Moisie Beach
- Archipelago Interpretation Booth
- Festival des Hivernants | Winter Festival
- History and Heritage Trail - Sept-Îles tells its story!
- Le Petit-Havre de Matamec Hiking Trail
- Mouth of the Rivière Brochu
- Bike renting Tourisme Sept-Îles

Phone: 418 962-1238
Toll free: 1 888 880-1238
Contact us by email
Visit our website
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :
Ottawa: 875 km
Montréal: 748 km
Québec: 520 km
Montréal: 748 km
Québec: 520 km
Tourisme Sept-Îles features three municipal networks of 27.1 km, 8.5 km and 7.5 km, including two bicycle paths and one bicycle lane. Two of the bicycle path networks are paved, enabling both cyclists and roller blade fans to circulate. The other network is a stone dust trail that gives access to belvederes. You can get a map of the area's bicycle routes with points of interest at the Sept-Îles tourism office.